What is Inverter Battery

An inverter is a device that converts battery power (DC) into alternating current (AC) of a higher voltage. This means that most inverters are installed and used in conjunction with a battery bank of some sort – a common set up in off-grid solar installations.

A battery is a vital part of an inverter. The performance and life of an inverter largely depends on its battery. There are several classifications of inverter batteries.
What are inverter batteries? What are their uses?

Here are few Inverter Batteries

  1. Lead Acid Batteries
  2. Maintenance Free batteries
  3. Tubular Batteries

Lead Acid Batteries

Lead corrosive batteries are the most well-known inverter batteries. These are battery-powered in nature and produce a lot of current. They are light in weight and generally prudent. They normally keep going for 3-4 years. However, they require normal support. The electrolyte level check and fixing up must be done routinely. They likewise discharge harmful gases during charging and releasing. So they should be introduced at an all around ventilated spot at home. 

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Maintenance Free Batteries

Support free batteries are the fixed lead corrosive batteries that don’t need electrolyte level check and fixing up. They are fit and neglect type batteries are more secure contrasted with ordinary lead corrosive batteries. However, they are expensive contrasted with ordinary lead corrosive batteries and have a more limited life.

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Tubular Batteries

Cylindrical batteries are the most mainstream and productive inverter batteries. They have a mind boggling plan, incredible proficiency, longer operational life (8+ years) and low support. Due to such countless benefits they are expensive. 


You must be cautious about the neighborhood batteries that are accessible on the lookout. Individuals typically go for marked inverter sets and nearby batteries. Be that as it may, it is anything but a decent combo. Nearby batteries ought not be utilized. They have many drawbacks like helpless proficiency, low wellbeing, poor operational life and high upkeep. Try not to execute your inverters by utilizing these nearby and less proficient batteries.

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How to Choose Inverter Battery for Home?

Is it accurate to say that you are not ready to adapt up to the serious climate and various force cuts around there? It is most likely an ideal opportunity to purchase an inverter and inverter battery that is compelling and solid for effortless summers. A battery is a basic piece of an inverter. An investor’s yield and life generally rely upon its battery. 


The main thing you ought to comprehend prior to purchasing an inverter battery for home is your force prerequisite. There are two significant components that decide your force reinforcement necessity, in view of which you ought to choose what limit of the battery is reasonable for your need. 


Term of ceaseless force reinforcement, i.e., on a normal, how long is there no power at your home or office (60 minutes, 5 hours OR only 15 minutes)? 


Burden that you need to run at the hour of force cut that perhaps only two fans and 2 lights OR 5 fans, 5 lights, a TV, and a fridge. 


In like manner, you can choose the ampere-hour (Ah) rating of the inverter battery for your buy. If it’s not too much trouble, note that the inverter battery’s ability shifts with the over 2 factors, the heap and the span of force reinforcement. The more is the heap and more is the length of force reinforcement, higher will be the battery limit.

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Other Factors to Be Considered Before Selecting Battery Capacity

You can find inverter batteries with various capacities in the market ranging from 100 Ah to 220 Ah.

So how do you decide which one is best suited for your requirement?

In view of the variables referenced above, you can pick a battery with limit that is ideal for your necessity. Luckily, Exide has constructed a Load Calculator that utilizes a keen calculation to decide the ideal force reinforcement necessity for you. 


If it’s not too much trouble, note that the inverter Battery Voltage rating is 12 V for practically all inverter batteries accessible on the lookout. As the heap expands, the inverter wattage increments appropriately. Higher inverter limit runs at a higher voltage in products of 12V, for example 24 V, 36 V, and so forth A 24 V inverter requires 2 batteries of 12 V each.

Types of Inverter Batteries

When Ah rating is chosen according to your prerequisite, you should decide the sort of inverter battery you need for your home or office. 


How about we comprehend the sorts of batteries accessible on the lookout and pick the one which accommodates your prerequisites the best: 


Level plate battery-These inverter batteries are lead-corrosive batteries suggested for territories with low length however successive force cuts.

Why should you choose a Flat plate battery?

Level plate batteries are proposed for territories with insignificant and successive force cuts. These batteries are modest, light on the pocket however have a more limited life expectancy than cylindrical inverter batteries. These are outstanding amongst other inverter batteries with a quicker pace of charging and need less an ideal opportunity to charge. It ordinarily accompanies a more limited guarantee period than cylindrical batteries. 


Rounded Battery-A cylindrical battery is a lead-corrosive battery that is by and large huge in size when contrasted with a level plate battery. These best inverter batteries are appropriate for zones with long and less force cuts like a level 2 or level 3 city or city edges.

Why should you choose a Tubular battery?

Cylindrical batteries are best fitted for long force reinforcement necessities and have a more drawn out assistance life. These batteries require least exertion to keep up and need less water top-ups. They are more solid and for the most part accompany a more extended guarantee period contrasted with a level plate battery. A rounded battery is more costly and takes more space to store than a level plate battery. 


Rounded batteries come in different compartment sizes, and it ought to be chosen depending on the space accessible in the house to store the inverter battery. Likewise, the cylindrical battery cost is reasonable. They can be ordered into short cylindrical (ST/TJ) and tall rounded (TT) batteries. 


Short cylindrical inverter battery is marginally more modest in stature however more extensive than a tall rounded battery. It is simpler to store and convey them. 


Tall cylindrical inverter battery is bigger in tallness than a short rounded battery and a level plate battery however lesser in width. A tall cylindrical battery consistently gives a marginally longer reinforcement time and is liked for homes where extra room isn’t an imperative. 


Gel Batteries-Gel batteries give a more predictable force reinforcement over a more extended period than an ordinary lead-corrosive battery as it has an uncommon mismatch construction of gel inside them that holds the corrosive and keeps it from settling down. They additionally offer more force reinforcement per cycle.

why would it be a good idea for you to pick a gel battery?

The greatest benefit of a gel battery is that it is climate agreeable and transmits insignificant unsafe gas into the air making your home/office a better spot. It is additionally fixed because of which there is zero danger of corrosive spillage. This best inverter battery is additionally simple to introduce and upkeep free. No water top-up is needed during the whole lifecycle of these batteries. The expense of batteries for inverters is diminishing step by step, and henceforth the significance is expanding quickly. In conclusion, these inverter batteries gave predictable force reinforcement for the duration of its life, not at all like ordinary lead-corrosive batteries, where power reinforcement lessens after a certain no. of years.

What is the significance of the Warranty in a battery?

 What is Flat guarantee and Pro-rata guarantee? 


The guarantee period doesn’t assume any part in the force reinforcement of an inverter battery. It is the period for which Exide will be liberated from cost administration to correct any deformity. 


Exide offers different sorts of guarantee on all limits of inverter battery to browse. It is done to guarantee a specific limit of battery is accessible at various value focuses, concerning a home/office, it is hard to settle on the force reinforcement necessity however they can choose a battery with a lower guarantee dependent on their financial plan. 


Exide offers a guarantee on a Flat + Pro-Rata premise, for example Battery model LM 18075 accompanies a guarantee of 75* months, for example 60+15 of months, which suggests it has a level guarantee of 60 months and a supportive rata guarantee of 15 extra months. 


It suggests that a liberated from cost administration guarantee will be offered to the client for initial 60 months from date of procurement, and if a client faces any issue with the battery following 61-75 months from the date of procurement, they can supplant the blemished inverter battery with another Exide Battery and get a rebate comparable to X% (allude to the guarantee card of the battery for precise worth) of the common most extreme retail cost of the returned battery on the new battery.

What are the other factors to be considered while buying a battery?

As discussed above, the main points that need to be considered while buying a battery are capacity, warranty, technology, and size. When buying a new inverter battery, we suggest you purchase a battery with the highest Ah rating and warranty possible. Physical size and technology must also be taken into consideration.


Also, Exide batteries work best with Exide Inverters and give longer and more stable power backup. Please ensure that you purchase the best inverter battery best suited for your requirement, from a renowned brand and not from a local manufacturer, to ensure good product quality and service.


Apart from the above parameters, the freshness of a new inverter battery is also very important. The performance of a battery deteriorates if it does not go through a regular charge/discharge process. Please check the manufacturing date mentioned on the battery packaging before buying it. If the battery is old, kindly ask the seller to do a battery recharge for optimal performance.


Quick tips for maintenance and handling:


  • Do not expose the battery to direct sunlight.
  • Keep the battery away from heat, in a dry, cool, and ventilated space.
  • Keep the battery out of the reach of children.
  • Keep checking the float indicators in the battery time to time, add water top-up when required.
  • Do not fill acid into the battery.
  • Do not keep the battery water indicators open.
  • Always get the service done by authorized Exide service personnel only and never by a local technician.
  • Be a responsible citizen. never discard the non-functional batteries into dustbins, roads, or anywhere else.
  • Always return non-functional OLD inverter batteries to any authorized Exide distributor for recycling.

Where can I buy an inverter battery at the best price in Chennai?

Inverter batteries are a must product where light off is a common phenomenon. For the areas where there is a problem of long power cuts, the dependency on inverters increases. Hence, one should choose the right inverter battery that can provide long back up.


However, you can purchase it online or even offline from any nearby store. You will get various options of brands while selecting an inverter battery. For best comparison go to sites like bijlibachao or batterybhai.


But it is never recommended to choose a battery on the basis of price. You can always make a product affordable with the help of EMI. Try to purchase an inverter with battery on emi either with the help of a durable loan or EMI card. A Durable Finance helps you improve your lifestyle by providing you with options to purchase any product on easy monthly installments.

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